I was so thankful for this day. Not only was it for a great cause, but we got to see one of the men we were trying to outreach to in the past, come to know Christ sometime before our meeting. I made some mac n' cheese with turkey special, while Jeff brought bread and water. When we made our first stop at the campside down the Mexican Restaurant we saw that the place was vacant. It seemed that they have moved to another area. I told Jeff, "If we don't find them, we are going to leave." I had no faith that we would find them. But then as we crossed the street to the gas station we saw 2 homeless guys who pointed directly across another street that they had moved to this area. They had build this incredible tent, and now stay in there for the winter. There was about 9 guys and 1 girl all huddled up inside. To our surprise we saw Abel. This time around he was completely sane. He had gotten off of his addictions and sounded as if he had seen Christ. The funny thing is that some time ago when we had stopped going there for the past few months he had find his way back into church and received the grace of God. Since then Mario, a local missionary, has been mentoring him and allowing him to grow. He was serving and reading the Bible while we were there. They told us that they were studying the story of the feeding of the 5,000, and here we came with food. It's another example of how God provides even when we don't expect it, and even when people have no faith like me. They asked for jeans, and then we took off as my wife wasn't feeling well. All in all this was a great time. Praise the Lord for answering our prayers!