Chong had gone home with her son Owen, and Robert was present there. He went on to tell us, us being Caleb and I, about several things going on. It was a pretty full day, because I had just finished running a triathlon, so I've been up since 4am. We had worship and then I had the Bible study. Let's just say I wasn't fully there. Thank God for Caleb.
Robert told us that Chad needed prayer as his health has gone south. Larry, a new patient at the place is suicidal and severely depressed. Diana had a severe meltdown during the week, so she's at the hospital. Her release so that she can move to Denton, TX has been put on hold. The property is also having problems as the city is upon them for having too many patients in one home. Since it's just a group home, the maximum they can have is 5, even though they all pay rent. Please pray for them during this time.
Our following visit will start at 1pm as games will be played with them and Bible study will promptly being at 2pm. We went through the last chapter of John 21 and prayed with them.
If you're still following along on this blog, I commend you!
Today, on the 28th of April, we took off to visit our homeless friends on the street. Diana, Michelle, and Churee joined us for the trip down the street. Thankfully we could be the mobile church on the move. I praise God for Northwood as they sent a good number of middle/high school girls to help us out. We had a small group of 10 along with a group mom who helped us out with the Mindieta's. They took them to a small playground and played with their children, fed them, as well as spend good quality time with them.
Here are the Northwood Kids with the children.
A small group of us then took off and headed down the streets. We hit first the Texas Car Wash station where we ran into a couple familiar faces. I met Alan and shared the hope of Christ with him. Unfortunately, Connie has cancer, his wife, and he needs lots of prayer for her. I also met another man, Fernando, who's been traversing this area for a few weeks. He has a warm heart. We prayed and spent some time talking about him looking for a job.
We moved on and headed to the day labor area near Southside Church of Christ. There we park nearside and serve tons of people. It felt like about 20. We saw Luke and I prayed for him and his friend Chazby, who is struggling with post surgery rehabilitation. He was also taking money from buddies down the street for abusing and drinking alcohol.
Fortunately, Liz was there, but she looked awful. She seemed unfit to be standing or walking. She stumbled a couple times we were there. We fed the rest of the people and took off towards Lancaster.
For the time being, we will be faithful in passing out the food that we have. Our day ended on a prayerful note. I'm truly thankful in having so many arms and feet to help out each week. I'm thankful for each one of you. I pray to see ya'll again soon!