I have not blogged recently due to a large volume of things happening. Since I'm not a journlist by nature and more proactive, I've abandoned this blog temporarily. For that, i apologize. However, God has been gracious to us. Not only have we been doing well with our personal ministries (Joanna and I), but we have had support in our REACH ministry.
This past week and the past few weeks we've been blessed to serve with many friends. The Creecys, Greenways, Thai and his youth, and several others have dedicated their time to help us. Here's a brief update.
The Mindietas just had their Jeep Cherokee taken away. Since they haven't had much money for rent, many of their things have been given away in order for them to stay at their present location. They have requested for more canned foods and other food items to make it week to week. If you want to help and can help, please donate to our place or landscaping facility at Southwestern Seminary. For more information for our address please email pkoo@swbts.edu.
Claudia one of our friends at the Texas Car Wash stop recently was hospitalized. She was hit by a car. Suzanne has moved back with her fiance and many others are still in the same area among the trees to avoid the heat. There hasn't been much going on with that group, other than trying to survive the elements. Since they're relatively heavy drinkers, they drink themselves to sleep. We have been given ample opportunities to provide food, water, and Bibles to them. One man this week, wanted to change and had a heart to heart with many of us. I'm so thankful for Aaron who prayed with many of these guys in Spanish.
At the second stop we met up with Betty. She has been trying to save her dogs, but at the same time, she looks awfully burnt. She had some eye-dropping wounds that doesn't seem to be healing. She seems to be doing well, but was evicted. Now she's living at some shack for very little money. Pray for her so that she finds some help from area churches. Maria also lost her son. She has a very big boy who was well over 400lbs. He passed away not too long ago. She's now trying to get her sister to move out of a bad area, but even she's not listening. The family is in bad shape. Continue to pray for them as well.
Our last stop this week was at Lancaster. We met up with Kathy and Neale who showed us how feeding the homeless was to be done. They have a ministry called Feed By Grace that holds breakfast and lunch daily for homeless in that area weekly. On Saturdays they have opportunities for food, sport, games, and fellowship. It's such a wonderful time for all those who are needy. We hope to build a liason with them and work alongside with them.
For upcoming events:
August 10th, 2012 - 3-6pm at Hillside Community Center 1201 E. Maddox Fort Worth, TX 76104
- We will be meeting at 3pm at Hillside. If you're going to be present please be ready to not only pass out tracts, but also share some love. There are many opportunities to build relationships with these kids.