Before I forget let me mention that Gina Fortnor donated clothes from Northwood Church and the homeless guys really thanked us for all the shirts, jackets, and sweaters. Roberto was a mexicano cowboy. He was dressed for the occasion. He was from Mexico, and believed in Jesus as his savior. It was great that I till remembered enough Spanish to share the gospel with him. His brother, sisters, and family are all in Mexico too far away for him to keep in touch with. He was incredibly quiet and shy. Jaime showed up again with his religion hubaloo, but he was a great listener as he listened to Brian share the gospel. Jose another gentleman who came late was better dressed, but he hung around the same crew.
He was drinking, and hungry. The camp site was littered with a varmit they had killed, so they were cooking that to eat. Martin again was his crazy self. He drove his bike into the camp fire and tried to get in a fight with Jaime (A gun with no bullets was pulled out, but they ended up duking it out). Frank and Hector were really receptive to us, and Hector went to church with Brian on Sunday. We had a great day sharing the gospel, feeding, and clothing them. I will post some pictures following this post.