Today's outreach was great, and had it's own drama, but this time around I had lost count of people, food, and volunteers. The Philips weren't able to make it today because of their radiator blowing out, and a few others had to bow out due to prior engagements we were still able to pull it off with 4 families. This time around Michael and Tara Beanne joined us. They brought brownies, and some fruit. The Davis' brought cookies and Pilsbury biscuits, Jonathan chili, and Joanna and I hired Chef Boyardee for Ravioli and mashed potatoes. We had to make a temporary stop by CVS to pick up some water, and Tricia and Jeremiah dropped off more firewood behind the Mexican restaurant. When we arrived at the area, there were tons of homeless people there. I think this time around there were about 15 people being fed. There were a few new guys today. Eric for one had gone through a tough divorce, and Jaime who was punch drunk but stayed and ate with us. We met a new girl Lisa, and several other veterans like Andrea, and Suzanne were there. Lisa is enrolled online at Kaplan University. She seems to have help with one of her very good guy friends there. We prayed before we ate, and also spent time singing some songs with a couple drunk homeless guys. Praise and worship music gets REAL interesting when they sing. Tricia and Tara spent time talking with Lisa, which was nice. And the guys all huddled up with stories to tell. In the end we headed back to Anthony's house to hear tales of sobriety, and changes, but there seems to be so much pain behind those tough scales. We told him that if he stays sober for a day and passes a test, we will spend an evening with him chatting, and possibly guiding him down the right path. I am thankful for a 2 dollars and some cents they gave to us. It reminds me of the lady in scripture Jesus talks about who gave all that she had. These guys have little, and yet they give. I will post pictures on Monday when I remove the pictures from my PDA phone.

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