Praise the Lord for the A-Team though. That would include my wife, Mckaylah and my three kids Abigail, Isaac, and Esther. They specialized on looking cute, serving without question, and again, looking cute. Otherwise JACK, which is my acronym for Jonathan Coleman, Aaron Greenway, Craig Seals, and Koo (me) were the other four guys taking on the task of serving the homeless. I welcomed Aaron to pray with us. I believe it was his first time. His ability to interpret and speak Spanish fluently was awesome. We witnessed and prayed in Spanish. Juan, one of the first group of homeless guys we met by the Texas Car Wash, told me his ex-wife and children needed prayer. His mother, Anna, was battling dimentia. We spent some time with him. We also spent time with another man, Miguel and told him our purpose. He asked with a deep desire to know why were here. We told him we love him and wanted to meet immediate needs such as food and clothes, and then speak to His heart about Jesus. We prayed about Christ one day being in His heart. I thought I saw a tear. It was a wonderful time spent at the first station. We fed around 10-15 people.
The second station near Shamrock had quite a handful of day laborers. When I went in the morning to visit there were at least 30 people. We fed about 20-25 people there when we arrived. There wasn't as much conversation, but there was much eating. Many were looking for jobs and we were grateful to pray with them in a group. Craig managed to get more chicken, because we ran out of food. With whatever was remaining we headed over the Suzanne's house and fed her family and friends. We prayed for them and found out the landlord added some insulation to her place.
Jack and the A-team left thereafter. There was much to think about. A group of men living at Anthony's place looks to be evicted from their house soon. They're looking for some blankets and pants. Pray that they will find a place to stay. There are others bracing for another snow dump on Wednesday. If we can procure enough blankets by then I'd be happy to drop some off at Suzanne and Anthony's house. There's much to pray for as well as the salvation of many who don't know Christ.
Till then...

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