Joey Cruse along with Kurt, Robert, Tara, and her friend met up at 8am at the Koo's place. Then came Sarah and Amy from Christ the King. I went ahead and joined the painting crew early. Later on, Jonathan, my wife, and kids joined our feeding outreach. At first, we cleaned Suzanna's house.
We brought everything outside, swept, cleaned the walls, and brushed aside any dirt, mouse droppings, or dust that was around. Then we started to put the green paint and white primer on the wall. The guys mostly had the living room, while the girls perfected the kitchen. All the work took about four hours. Joey and his team finished the job.
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My wife, Jonathan, and I, went at 10:30a, to drop off hot dogs to the workers, and then went forward to feeding the homeless. Our first stop we met three. Antonio, Indio, and Gary met with us. We prayed with them and fed them. They told us that there was a group around a abandoned white house, which we visited later. There will be a picture to show you what it looks like.
The second stop, there were fewer people, but we saw Lindsay, and Anna who were both on wheel chairs. Lindsay is still suffering from her broken leg. The doctors want to amputate her leg (according to her). She was in tears as we prayed for her. Anna, seemed to be suspended to her wheel chair. She had 3 dogs to keep her company. We fed her and a few other guys who came over for some food. Jonathan led a quick prayer with a few of the guys we knew. I got to pray with an older gentleman, who didn't know English. But somehow he was okay with me praying in English. I prayed that Jesus would touch his heart. I prayed the gospel seeped in ever so slightly!
We then headed over to the abandoned white house. There were about nine guys there. We fed the remaining hot dogs and water to them. We had about 80 oranges, socks, 100 hotdogs, and 4 cases of water. We didn't quite use them all as there weren't many homeless (it was cold). But with what we had, we did our best. Attached are some pictures from our feeding.
Enjoy the video and pictures! Till next time...

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