There needs to be a special mention to Journey of Faith Church, which is a Korean congregation who donated up to 20 bags of clothes as well as the Watson family at Southwestern who graciously also gave us clothes. We used quite a few today, especially shoes, some women clothes, and pants. Praise God for all of you!

We took off with about 20 people today. A family friend from Northwood church also joined us. It was great having them along. We were also teamed up by Joey, Thai, Cathy and her family, and the Rowlands. With four vehicles we took off with clothes, hotdogs, sandwiches, drinks, and fruit.
When we arrived at our usual second stop first, we saw about 10 people. Then the numbers started flocking in as we handed out clothes and hot dogs. We got to spend some time with a few old friends, but also some new ones. Unfortunately Jimbo wasn't there, a guy I wanted to meet up with and give a tent to. But I got to meet Antoine. He was a sober gentleman, but wanted to get his life into gear. I got to share the gospel with Him. He said he's been a believer, but hasn't been back into church.

He was looking for a job and getting back into school. I told him Southwestern offers diploma and certificate courses. If he wanted to he can apply for a job and schooling there. But it all depends on what His calling was. He seemed like He wanted it, but the homeless addiction is hard to kick.
I was also fortunate to meet Shaun. His father suffered a massive heart attack this past week. I got to pray for him. Shaun seemed entirely out of it. Although we could talk here and there, I couldn't comprehend half the things he told me. I'm just glad to have been there to listen to his story.

The second stop took us to Susan's house. It seems things have gotten from bad to worse. The electric bill was covered by NFWBC, but it was something they owed. When Susan's brother got notice that NFWBC covered the charge, he immediately disconnected the power out of his name. This left Susan and her fiance Aaron with no power for almost two weeks. We left a cooler of drinks and ice. They have been fixing up the place and making it good for the landlord. Unfortunately, they still owe over $200 in rent and about $190 to start the power back up. This has been a tough situation. I hope to round up some guys to see if we can go over this Saturday to help them clean up. It would be a great blessing to them if we can somehow alleviate some of their stress. Aaron also confirmed he had esophageal cancer. I'm not sure how true it is, but regardless this is hard to take. We prayed for the family and asked God for His continual guidance for them. Praise God for NFWBC in taking initiative to help them out.
In our final stop we pulled to the Texas Car Wash. The group was still singing with the Spanish church. We were able to get some of them toiletries. I got to speak with AJ, who's wife was imprisoned for shoplifting.

Anthony, a friend for over 3 years, is headed to Kansas for rehab. Supposedly, someone is coughing up the fee so that he could see a Christian counselor.
Last but not least, I met up with Indio. He fractured his arm and JPS would not let him have surgery for three weeks. He was in much pain. I don't blame him for the alcohol. I'm pretty sure that would help him with some of the pain. The prescribed Vicodin or pain meds would be far too expensive.

Please pray for all these men. It was great hanging with all of them, but they are all desperate for God to intervene. May we continue being a beacon of hope, no matter how small.

Just wanted to fill you in on part of Elizabeth's exciting testimony! So you remember that she accepted Christ 2 weeks ago? well this week, I was really excited to see her again and follow up with her. As she was gathering clothes and getting food, she told me that she had been slacking on her drinking over the past week and a half. I assumed that she meant she had been increasing her drinking, but then she went on to say that she used to have 4-5 drinks a day, and now she is proud to say she is down to 1! AND she has stopped crack, and can tell that she is gaining weight back. (which we know if a good thing) I told her I was really proud of her and she just said "It's Jesus, all Jesus." God is so good!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could have stayed and served longer today, but am excited to see that you're going to move up the time to 10 am.
Thank you and Joanna for leading out! Our family really enjoys serving with you all.
-Jenny R-