At the seminary end my family as well as the Lycans joined us. We took off around 10:15a armed with 80 hot dogs, 5 cases of water, toiletries, shoes, and ample amount of clothing. Our first stop took us to the usual Texas Car Wash. There were about 20 there, but many new faces this time around.
I got to spend some time with Pelon and some usuals. Claudia told me her brother was finally deported to Guatemala and Ricky told me that Scarlett went home to be with the Lord. She passed away after being part of a hit and run, and she was gone after her brain was left in a vegetative state. We prayed for the both of them. It was good to love on them. Susan was finally evicted so we couldn't find her nor Aaron, her ex-fiance. The usual crowd was still there and Carlos, who came to know the Lord earlier back is heading back to Houston to be with his family. He's going to start a new life hopefully over there.
I was very grateful for Craig. He spent time in the beginning to sit with a new guy named William. He was from Indiana and had a HUGE heart to hear the gospel. Upon listening to the power of the gospel he responded to accept Jesus in his heart. We tried to arrange a ride for him to go to church Sunday morning. Praise the Lord for His plentiful harvest! Here's some pictures of the conversation with William.

Our second stop took us to Love Fellowship Church. Here we met Tabatha and she invited us to Sunday evening church. There we would meet the pastor and introduce ourselves. They hope to partner with us for future engagements. Here's a video from their service. Pretty cool stuff.
When we parked here, we were ready to serve. Several men came up first, and shared with us a story about Robert. We have helped him before but unfortunately he was bludgeoned with a screw driver in the eye and stabbed repeatedly in the neck. He was able to make it down the street until he collapsed down the street and passed away. The reason why he was killed was because he dated one of the Mexican girls down the street. That wasn't accepted in this gangs in this neighborhood. They found him and got rid of him. His family is in much prayer. If you have some time keep him in prayer. We continued to serve throughout the time and built meaningful relationships. The usual was there: Venita, Betty, Arturo, etc... It was great to pray and to love on them. I had the opportunity to meet Luke and his buddy who was under rehab for alcohol. Both of them were enlisted in the army back in the mid-60s and shared stories about how the Vietnam War was. They both were shared the gospel, but the response was vague. They knew Jesus but weren't overly religious. Time will tell, but we loved them no matter what.
As time ran out, we praised God for His work. We are truly thankful for all those who take the time and volunteer. I praise God for all of you who take time to finish reading this blog. Just know, that we love you and enjoy every minute that you invest in us.
Events to pray for:
1. Thanksgiving Outreach to the Homeless. We may have potential to provide meals in four areas. This is a huge jump. Pray for God to work a miracle.
2. December 1st Choir Bonanza to the DFW City Officials. We have two churches representing us, NFWBC and South Oaks Baptist Church (SOBC). Pray that we engage the community and make even a greater impact as we form an alliance with the city officials.
3. Cereal Box Giveaway. We are still waiting to see how we can help one of the schools in the county. Officer Jones told me that there's a school where students aren't being fed until dinner time. That means no breakfast (because the school doesn't provide any) and no lunch (because many are below the poverty line). Pray that this is an area we can help!!!
Till next time, enjoy these pictures...