I got to meet Deanna who was the Hillside coordinator/director. She was 8 weeks pregnant and it was great to know her. There were other helpers there as well. I got to speak with Officer Munday and Jones for quite a while. Officer Munday's wife and daughter arrived later and we got to talk about soccer and other projects coming up this Christmas.
There are a few things to think about:
1. Meadowbrook Elementary are in need for breakfast cereals, the small kind. These small boxes can feed the children there in the mornings. Officer Jones shared that many children don't have breakfast nor lunch. Some of them stuck with just one meal a day, dinner. The breakfast boxes can provide lunches for the elementary school year round. This would be a wonderful project and I will arrange a time to speak with the principal.
2. Carroll Pete Elementary are also looking for donors to help sponsor an impoverish family or children with toys during Christmas.
3. On December 1 the local police station is looking for a church children's program or choir to share music and hope to the area. This is a great opportunity to share the gospel through music.
**If you have any interests in any of these:
1) LEAVE a comment to let me know,
2) USE the chat box on the right to inform me,
3) EMAIL me a message,
4) FACEBOOK me a message, or
5) ASK for my cell number and inform me with a text or a message.
I got to meet a lady and her two kids. One is a daughter, Desi, and the other a little boy, Chanci (sp). The little girl was two and she was happily roaming about with her special backpack while several others got to carry the baby. There were a trickling in of parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles getting backpacks, but there was enough leftover for Monday.
See you tomorrow!!!

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