First, we sang hymns (Holy, Holy, Holy, Be Thou My Vision, and Great is Thy Faithfulness). I found out how rusty I was playing, but they sang anyway! No matter how good or bad we sang the hearts were all harmonized towards God. We went through John 2-3:21 thereafter. I thank Chong for making instant coffee and raspberry muffins. Reading through we talked many issues from consuming alcohol from the miracle of water to wine to talking about Jesus' reactionary response to the moneychangers at the temple. Then we talked about the importance of the meeting with Nicodemus. While Nicodemus needed everything logically explained to him, which Jesus did with the wind and with the Old Testament picture of Moses and the serpent on the rod, the emphasis was that Nicodemus "believe in Him" so that he may have everlasting life.
Many of the guys responded well with what was being taught including someone who handed me their entire pack of cigarettes. You'll see in the picture below. I pray that their faith is genuine and they place all their lives in His hands.
I look forward to having help as well. They want someone to meet weekly with them. I'm still able to do my best bi-weekly. So, if anyone wants to piggy-back with me, I'd welcome the help!
Till next week!

This is Diana.

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