We had a very good meeting to begin with. I'm glad for Officer Jones and Sarah, case worker for Gladney Adoption make it to the meeting. We quickly worked out details for our respective stations. There are four in total. If you can help please email me at
rthministry@yahoo.com. We start at 3:00pm in each area and if you're coming without RSVP, that's fine, but just expect it to be very busy. We need EVERYONE we can get. Here are the addresses to the two churches.
1. Fort Worth Harvest Church
620 N. Chandler Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76111
2. Southside Church of Christ
2101 Hemphill Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110-2096
Lane, Jennifer (two boys) and Sarah accompanied me to the streets. We went and passed out as many flyers as we could. I made 60. We went out with 50 dogs and helped several people out. We also ran into Susan. She's not doing very well. She looked sick and inebriated. We also ran into Ricky and some others that just looked terrible. We fed them some as well as reminded them of Thanksgiving.
Susan also brought us to her new home. It looked run down. She told us she had two kids, 15 and 14 who lived there. They didn't even look us in the eye. It was quite scary. But thank God that she's still doing fine, but her desire to get back with Aaron, who's an enabler and an abuser, is baffling.
We got to stop by the second area near Southside Church of Christ and there we got to stop and talk with Betty. Everyone seemed to not be there, but we passed out flyers and got the word out for Thanksgiving.
Till next time...