At 2pm, I headed to the MHMR facility to share the gospel and read through John 6. After singing Amazing Grace and a couple other songs we jumped into the text. I got to hear a few more stories about each of these people here. Each of them are there because of one or two traumatic experiences. One lady, abandoned by her husband because of her mental illness, gave up her child to him and was left to this mental institution. Her ex-husband is still taking care of her child, but he left her after 12 years of marriage. It's a stark reminder that sickness gives cause for anyone to break marriage still blows my mind away. She's not mad at him and even allowed him to remarry. Yet, there is such a strong sense of brokenness in her heart. They're all in their mid 50s and I feel deeply humbled by their graciousness. When we left, a few of them donated jackets and sweaters for our children as well as made Halloween cupcakes for them. Their response was that they had no money to give, but wanted me to part with at least a few things that was worthwhile to them. They taught me more about giving graciously, than I could ever teach them with my words. May God be glorified.

(Left to right: Mary, Robert, Diana, Chong)
Prayer Requests from the group - Robert: ex-wife's sister was in an automobile accident that killed a 20 year old man. Her name is Verna.
- Diana: Her son recently got married and waiting for a grandbaby. She's praying for her ex-husband who just recently had a heart transplant. Her son's name is Randy.
- Chong: Pray for her son and grandson's health. Her son's name is Cole.
- Charles: Pray for his brother's health (John). They just had their machines break down. They own a landscaping company and without some of the tools they can't complete their work. He has four kids and two grandkids who aren't saved. Unfortunately, they don't listen to Charles much.
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