Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 16, 2012- Updates, Updates, Updates!!!

Many changes took place over the past month, so I'm glad to say, that our schedule is clearing back up for a return back on the streets.  In the month of May, Joey had gone out once, while I (Phillip) along with Caleb hit up MHMR to do a Bible Study.  Last week on June 9, we finished Acts 4.  We have since moved on, and Caleb this past week went and finished Acts 5 with them.

On our end, my kids and I hit the street to serve the homeless.  At the Mindietas we were able to drop off some sandwiches, water, and candy.  They are still in need of some food, so if you're interested in donating some food, please drop them off before June 22, so my family and I can answer the request of our son, to help this family.

Our second stop took us near Texas Car Wash.  There we saw quite a few old faces, but some new ones as well.  One guy was so drunk, he just laid down in the hot sun and fell asleep near a dumpster.  The other guys, who were recognizable were sweating up a storm with their shirts off.  We fed these guys and prayed with them.  Susan stopped on by as well.  She's hasn't attended rehab, and looks like she's still jumping from male to male.  Please pray for her to open her eyes.  

The third stop took us to Lancaster street.  There we ran into at least 25-30 people who needed daily items, food, and the gospel.  Lo, and behold, my kids and I were shared the gospel with!  This lady started singing, "Jesus Love Me," and this gentleman shared Jesus with us and the love he has for Him.  It was great to hear his testimony.  We saw several others and took off.  

We will be heading out during the June 30, in which Joey will take a group then.  See you then!!!

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