Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Part 2 - January 10, 2009 - C.O.P.S

In our second journey to visit these homeless people we were slightly derailed by cops that were at the corner prior to our arrival. The homeless were scattered, and we had to start going mobile to try and stop and serve each one. This was an interesting endeavor as it was tough to find each one and serve them. Jonathan Sharp's family joined us this time. We went ahead and stopped at a liquor store first. There we found about 5 homeless people. We stopped to feed our families and them. We got to meet Andrea who was a stocky lady, who had gone through alot. She lost her father when she was 14, and her life has gone downhill since. She admired the fact that we served her. I got to see a few old faces like Juan, who was there on Christmas. A couple other guys were hanging around but they weren't very open to talking. Another lady, Elisa, came by and talked about an alley way where there are tons of homeless people who need food. We decided to load back up and drive down alleys to serve them. It was unsuccessful. We drove back back home and decided to wait an hour before heading back. The second time around it was just me and Jonathan. When we headed back out there was a much larger group present, and this time we had clothes too. Suzanne who was always yelling and screaming was there, and we got to serve her. Scarlett came to eat as well. We also saw Juan, Jesse, Lazaro, and a few more stragglers we didn't get the names of, but we served them. We saw a man who was by a dumpster and got to serve him some food. His name was Ronnie and he just came back from church. We also drove by a guy who thought we were trying to poison him, but we were just offering him food. That evening me and Jonathan Langley (another neighbor) went back to bring milk, cheerios, and canned drinks. There was about 10 more homeless guys there, and Anthony showed up. He had a job doing roofing with another seminary student, Paul. He was getting ready to go to church but he's going to follow up with me about his experience doing roofing. Since we went while the sun was almost down most of the homeless was punched drunk. It was hard to stay very long, but we got to stay with Jesse who sang a song with us; Amazing Grace. We long to return to serve them yet again...

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